which DTG printing is the best choice?

 DTG Printing and Screen Printing are the two common printing methods for textiles. Wonder the difference between DTG and screen printing? Which Printing Method To Choose? Read this article, their Pros & Cons will also share with you.

1. DTG Printing

This method is most typically compared to an at-home printer. Much like a regular printer, a DTG printer directly sprays ink onto the garment using inkjet technology.

Pros & Cons of DTG Printing

Digital printing is perfect for custom printing, detailed designs, or designs that utilize several colors. This is good if you want to easily switch between various designs and color options. There is minimal setup time and it provides consistent printed designs. DTG is cost-effective for short runs since there is minimal upfront investment in equipment compared to screen printing. DTG also uses water-based ink, making it an eco-friendly choice.

A downside to DTG is that it may not penetrate into the garment as much as with screen printing. It can be more challenging and require more steps to print a light-colored design onto a dark garment.


2. Screen Printing

Screen printing is the traditional method of printing on textiles. Individual screens must be made for each color used in the design. Each screen must then be positioned, or registered, to each other on the press so the colors line up properly on the finished garment.

Once press setup is complete, ink is pushed through the mesh stencil that was created with the design and then onto the chosen fabric. Each color is applied one layer of ink at a time; however, some colors benefit from a second layer of ink after a quick cure.

Pros & Cons of Screen Printing

The great thing about screen printing is that it works well on a wide range of fabrics, and easily accommodates specialty items like caps that can be more difficult to print with DTG. Another advantage of screen printing is that although it is time-consuming and takes skill, it creates beautiful and vibrant prints. Additionally, it is cost-effective in the long run if you are printing large orders with simple designs. In this case, it will be worth the upfront investment costs.

A potential con is that screen printing works best with designs that are less intricate with limited colors. If your design requires full color and is very detailed, then screen printing may not be the best option. Also, the amount of time it takes to complete one design will be determined by the detail and number of colors in the job. If the design is more complex, it will take longer to complete.


Main Differences Between Screen Printing & DTG Printing

DTG and screen printing yield fine quality prints, but they differ in method and cost. DTG uses a printer to spray the ink into a garment, while screen printing layers the ink on top of the fabric. Most importantly, DTG enables order fulfillment on-demand with no upfront cost, while screen printed products are ordered in bulk.

In which case DTG printing is the best choice?

In fact, DTG is an ideal solution for lower quantity print jobs. This printing method can print on demand and does not require a minimum quantity order like screen printing typically does. For the best quality and durability, 100% cotton material is the best choice since the ink bonds to the fabric better than polyester, tri-blends, or other kinds of fabrics.

Direct-to-garment printing is a hassle-free way to get the products ready for your customers. Most third-party printers have no order minimums for DTG products, so you don’t have to worry about keeping stock. This printing method also enables businesses to use printing services on-demand. With DTG, the entire design is printed in one go. And since DTG doesn’t have a color count, there’s no extra setup time to start printing, so your order gets fulfilled as soon as the print file comes through.

In addition, pretreating light garments as well as dark will help with the cotton’s washability and enrich the colors in the image. If you need to print intricate designs, a wide range of colors, or photo-realistic images, DTG printing machine is the best option.

DTG printers offer a lot of color options which means you can print detailed designs and photorealistic images with almost no color limitations. This is important for those businesses that want to try out various colors and designs.

The thing to avoid with DTG is transparencies. Elements that are less than 100% opaque don’t translate well in DTG printing—printers will attempt to make up the missing color by spreading the ink, causing the fabric to have a lot of gaps. That’s why it’s best to use solid colors or fake semi-transparency by halftoning. Other than that, you can work with detailed designs and color patterns as much as you wish.

Now that you know which printing method works best for your business. Sublistar DTG printer has the all Pros of DTG printing and the biggest highlight is that the print head does not need to be installed by yourself and don’t need to debug, direct fill ink and start to print, easy to operate it! Now visit our website and choose a product you need!



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